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Messages - Scorpion Illuminati

Support Requests / Change CPanel Username
September 05, 2023, 05:05:33 PM

Can you please modify my CPanel username from "mygrocerylists" to "hyperscanbrew"? I understand this will wipe all my data and don't mind starting fresh.


Freepgs User
Support Requests / Renewal Issue
July 13, 2021, 11:39:26 PM

My account is past due but, I WILL NOT PAY IT until my 2 unanswered tickets are answered. On the previous server I was able to host Ruby/Node.js and Python apps but, on the nmigrated server I am unable. I have tried contacting you 4 MONTHS AGO and haven't heard back. I even tried to contact you via phone but, the techs don't have access to my account and as far as it is concerned I don't exist. If you are going to abandon this service, please let everyone know so we can migrate to a new one. If I don't hear back in a week I am going to assume this service has been abandoned and will consider not renewing my subscription.
Quote from: markjay link=topic=2122. msg10075#msg10075 date=1587351435
It's you either email Admin or use the support link at the dashboard so they can migrate your accounts to the new server.

I've tried that already. It's been almost 2 weeks and so far I have received no response.

audi 0 60
Quote from: raymond on January 17, 2020, 03:43:30 PM
please migrate my account.
username: free

They still haven't responded as of this post. It seems the admin is awol... :'(
Support Requests / Re: subscrption renewal
January 03, 2020, 11:20:14 AM
I got a notice that they were reducing the number of servers to 1 due to the high cpanel cost. I responded that I wanted to migrate to the "EWR" server but, haven't heard back from then since I responded on the 21th of Dec 2019. Anyone been able to contact them or is the service officially dead?
Ready to migrate to EWR.

Username: mbecerra
Server: nyc1

Support Requests / Support please
July 18, 2018, 06:23:53 PM
3 days ago i submitted support ticket#1311 with the following txet:


I tried t install Node.js using the terminal in my account and was greeted
with the message that I'm not a sudoer. Sorry about that forgot this wasn't
my vps. :( Anyways would it be possible to install Node.js 10? Here are the
instructions from

curl --silent --location | sudo bash -

sudo yum -y install nodejs

o compile and install native addons from npm you may also need to install
build tools:

sudo yum install gcc-c++ make# or: sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'



I haven't received a response from you guys yet. In case your wondering yes, it is 100% possible and this tutorial will show you how to get it set it up thought i haven't tried it myself.


Support Requests / Wierd Redirect
February 04, 2017, 12:03:12 AM
I have a subdomain https://ignition* being redirected to a page called Shair & Nature. Whats weird is it is currently setup to point to a folder called "ignition" inside my home folder and not another web page. The contents of that folder is a single file:


echo "Test";


You have permission to verify that yourselves.I also verified my dns setting are correct. link to test results are correct and in working order. Could you please check into this?


Scorpion Illuminati
Support Requests / Re: Service Shutdown
May 17, 2015, 02:14:16 AM
Quote from: admin on May 12, 2015, 09:00:59 PM
We are no longer accepting new clients into the FreePgs service.

All future plans for setting up new servers have been cancelled.

Existing accounts will not be removed at this time, but further discussion will need to take place to determine how this will continue.
I don't understand, why are you shutting down? Last i heard you were switching providers in some areas due to some people hacking into other peoples account and using the hacked account to spam. Freepgs is a great service and today is a sad day to see it get shutdown.


Support Requests / Re: New cPanel Server
September 19, 2014, 03:42:44 AM
Quote from: admin on September 19, 2014, 03:19:40 AM
Quote from: Aleeious on September 19, 2014, 03:15:45 AM
I applied for migration via help desk, but i cannot access the ticket anymore because I tried to upgrade my help desk account to a full account. As a result I am as of this post am still waiting for the validation email which until i receive and click on the link won't let me log in. The helpdesk username is the same as my panel username. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



I have forced your Helpdesk account as validated.
Sorry I'm still getting the error:
Sorry, you must validate your account by clicking the link you received in our email to you. If you did not receive and email, click here.

Please go back and try again. If the problem persists, please contact an administrator.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Support Requests / Re: New cPanel Server
September 19, 2014, 03:15:45 AM
I applied for migration via help desk, but i cannot access the ticket anymore because I tried to upgrade my help desk account to a full account. As a result I am as of this post am still waiting for the validation email which until i receive and click on the link won't let me log in. The helpdesk username is the same as my panel username. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Support Requests / Re: Not worth the aggravation
August 12, 2014, 03:14:22 AM
Quote from: admin on August 11, 2014, 12:29:55 AM
As long as your site isn't taking multiple seconds per page load, you are generally fine.  (We are not talking about time waiting on downloading files to the client computer, Nginx offloads that part from Apache very well, but time waiting on your pages to generate due to waiting for MySQL, waiting for a remote API, etc.)

For the most part, we try to keep the load low on the servers.  We let users exceed CPU-I/O time limits for a period of time in case they are working with their site or are getting a traffic spike.  When we get complaints on the performance of a specific server, if we find these high resource users and the reason they are using resources is Google is crawling their site (because their site takes 10 seconds to load on each pageview), we generally disable the user and attempt to help them index their tables or explain what processes are using too many resources.

If your site loads fast, you will likely never fall into this group.

By replying to this topic, we didn't want to send the message that we were thinking of discontinuing the service, because we are not.  We may need to consolidate it further in an effort to lose less money, but there is no reason the service will need to be discontinued in the near future.
I'm sorry but everytime i see:
Quote from: admin
I guess our only choice will be to shut this down.
I start to fear the worst.

Quote from: admin
You should create indexes for any column your are sorting or filtering by.  If you are not sorting by that column (i.e. using it in an ORDER BY clause) or filtering by that field (using it in a WHERE clause), this will not be necessary.  [This should also be done if joining tables using these fields.]
My app uses where clauses for user.username, username.password,, matchindex.challenger and matchindex.defender. You can see how everything works on my github page. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Support Requests / Re: Not worth the aggravation
August 06, 2014, 08:52:29 PM
Quote from: admin on August 05, 2014, 12:37:48 PM
I feel bad for the users that don't cause problems, but unfortunately, there are numerous problems being caused, most are not intentional (while some are).

-Dormant sites/scripts that then get exploited (because they are not kept up to date)
-Users using too many resources (page loads taking 10+ seconds, easily DoS'd)
-Improperly indexed tables (likely no indexes at all on some)
-Inefficient database queries
-Selection of lower PHP versions that is necessary to run their script.
So do i, a few bad apples ruining it for everyone is very unfair.
For tables: If a field is in the ORDER BY or WHERE clauses, be sure those fields are indexed.  (i.e. If you are filtering for something and/or sorting by something, those fields you are sorting and filtering by should be indexed at the very minimum.)
Could you please explain this a bit more? Does that mean I should create indexes for all my columns? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Support Requests / Re: Not worth the aggravation
April 22, 2014, 09:11:21 PM
Quote from: admin on April 22, 2014, 04:07:11 PM
Quote from: Aleeious on April 21, 2014, 02:33:41 AM

EDIT: You should also remove PHP versions that have reached EOL(end-of-life) PHP 5.3 EOL Announcement and require the site owners to use the next higher version. If the scripts on the site stops working then the owner will hopefully "wake up" and can either upgrade the script to a newer version, ask the script publisher to support the latest PHP version or move to a different script. I once had a very bad experience with a host that refuses to upgrade past 5.2.17 because:

Sorry for the double post.  Our plans are to remove 5.2 and 5.3 once 5.6 is released.  (5.2 may very well be removed before that.  It has only been kept due to compatibility reasons for some users, but honestly it is not worth the risk.)  The problem is that some have 5.2.17 selected that can use a newer version.
True, however they will be running newer versions of PHP that are more secure and compatibility won't maa difference throwing out the whole "5.2.17 for compatibility" issue. As for the others that aren't compatible my last comment still stands.

Quote from: admin on April 22, 2014, 04:02:07 PM
Quote from: Aleeious on April 21, 2014, 02:33:41 AM
P.S. Could you please change the Pong Master text next to my name to Aleeious Lead Developer Thanks.

Are you not able to update your title in the forum?  If not, I will do this for you.
Nope, seems when you upgraded the forum you removed the permissions required to self update it. Thanks for updating it.


Support Requests / Re: Not worth the aggravation
April 22, 2014, 05:45:49 AM
Quote from: namhuy on April 21, 2014, 08:57:08 AM
I didnt realized default php from centos yum is 5.3 x_x I just upgraded to 5.5 using remi/epel repo on my vps just now. centos is too slow to get to packages.

Aleeious, there is an auto update plugin for wordpress, I tried before and It works, you might want to looking into it :)
There is no need to install a plug-in, Wordpress 2.7+ includes it as part of the core software and for reference i currently don't use Wordpress but, have in the past.

