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Messages - Prosis

Support Requests / Distant access to MySQL
November 21, 2007, 01:58:00 AM
Before I changed to the Plesk system, I could access MySQL using

But hot can I do this with the Plesk system?

Thank you
Support Requests / Re: Plesk = No More Admin Support?
August 05, 2007, 10:49:37 PM
Everything's good now, thanks!
Support Requests / Re: Plesk = No More Admin Support?
August 04, 2007, 06:53:48 PM
Thanks for your reply.

But I've already done those things three weeks ago and I never get answered by the admin.  But I am able to get emails from other people.
Support Requests / Plesk = No More Admin Support?
August 03, 2007, 05:47:28 PM

Ever since I've switched to the Plesk server, I write the admin and never get a response.  Is it because I'm not supposed to communicate with the freepgs admin?

I'm asking because before the switch, when I wrote the admin through the contact form, I got a response in the same day or the next day.  Not I just never do anymore.

Thank You
You're going to have to use an .htaccess at the root of your server and have different folders for each site.  Apache will do the rest.  You have to contact the freepgs admin to add the domain to your account and update the name servers of your domains.  Then once all of this is done, you write an .htaccess which will redirect every domain to the right folder and the users will not see the difference.  I've done it with three different websites in the past.
Thank you for your replies. :D

Is there a reason why PHP and MySQL are so old? And will they be upgraded anytime soon?

Thank you again! :)
Thank you for your reply!  I still have some questions now though :P

-What will happen to my freepgs account once transferred on Plesk?
-What version of PHP and MySQL does plesk have and what are the plans concerning their upgrades (in the near future?)
-Is the plesk server managed by the Freepgs team or LVCS?

Thank You! :)
Hello All

I have a lot of questions concerning the plesk server.  I hope you guys can help me! :)

1-Plesk vs Freepgs - Which one is best?
2-With Plesk, can you still use MySQL from a remote location (do they have an address like
3-Do you still have access to PHPMyAdmin?
4-Can you still manage your account from or do you have to go elsewhere?
5-Will the plan I have with be the one I'd have on the plesk server?

Thank You! :)
Support Requests / Re: Absolutely Outrageous......
July 11, 2007, 07:41:41 PM
I can understand you being mad but discouraging people from using freepgs? Isn't that a bit extreme.  I love freepgs and rarely have any problems with them. 

I've never seen such cheap hosting with so much services.
Support Requests / Re: mod_rewrite/.htaccess
September 10, 2006, 09:07:30 PM
11 reads, no one can help me? Please?  ???
Support Requests / Re: mod_rewrite/.htaccess
September 10, 2006, 06:50:52 PM
Also, after using mod_rewrite should I make my domain point to the subfolder or root?

And I'm asking because I tried what was written in this topic: and it failed.. because I have no idea what I'm doing basically :P
Support Requests / mod_rewrite/.htaccess
September 10, 2006, 02:08:33 PM
Ok, I've read a bunch of topics concerning this and I don't understand anything lol I suck but this is the first time I set something like this so I apologize for this question.

I have two domains one .ca and one .com.  Right now, I have the .ca added in my domain list so that, with nameservers, it points to the root on my freepgs server.  Now I want the .ca to point to one folder that contains the website for the .ca and the .com to go to another directory with the website for the .com.

How am I to do that?  What is mod-rewrite? How do I set this up?

I really sorry, I know this question has been answered but I need a clearer answer because I don't understand anything.  I am a real newbie concerning the matter.

Thank You
Support Requests / Re: JSP?
June 03, 2006, 02:06:14 PM
I second this motion :P

It really really would be awesome!
Support Requests / Re: File Priority
January 21, 2006, 06:54:12 PM
Thank you all! :D
Support Requests / File Priority
January 18, 2006, 05:59:51 PM
I was just wondering, I'm setting up a wordpress blog but I want it to be unveiled when it's done.  So I have made an index.html file saying "come back later".  But the wordpress script has an index.php and it has priority on the html.  Any way of changing that?