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Support Requests / Apache Version - east server
November 18, 2013, 03:34:38 AM
Just out of curiosity, what is the current version of Apache installed on the east server.  My 404 pages just say "Apache Server" but the httpd is sending "nginx" in the page header.  phpinfo has led to be no help at all as well.
Support Requests / PHP Version
October 16, 2013, 02:00:05 AM
Is there a way for us to change the PHP for the account or individual subscription within plesk, or is this something we'd have to submit a help desk ticket for.
Support Requests / php 5.3.0
February 05, 2012, 06:56:30 PM
Any plans to upgrade plesk5 from php 5.2.17 to 5.3 ? .. I'd like to be able to use the datetime date_add() function if possible.

what im doing is
$mininductdate = new DateTime($initiationdate);
 $maxinductdate = new DateTime($initiationdate);
 $mininductdate->add(new DateInterval('P26D'));
 $maxinductdate->add(new DateInterval('P35D'));
 if($mininductdate < $inductiondate || $inductiondate > $maxinductdate)
   printf('Submission failed: The Induction Date is not within 7 days of 30 days after Initiation date.<br>');

The user provides the Initiation Date and Induction date.  The script checks to see if the induction date is 26 days to 35 days after the initiation date.
My domains are registered through LVCS... i'm letting one expire, and ive registered a new one... how do i add the new one, and then delete the old one when it expires next month?
Support Requests / BerkelyDB Gone???
October 12, 2010, 09:52:23 PM
My db driven site will no longer load because of the following error

Query failed: Unknown table engine 'BerkeleyDB_0'

most of my tables use BerkeleyDB... am i going to have to change them all over to MyISAM or will BDB come back?
Support Requests / Name server issue
December 22, 2009, 12:39:24 AM
this has nothing to do with the hosting, but maybe someone here could provide some insight on this.

When i migrated to plesk5, i switched all of my domains over to the new IP addy on my Nameservers ( and ... on one of my domains, i accidently missed updating the IP on xname, but did on zoneedit... a couple days ago i corrected this on xname.

Today my ISP now has the old IP cached for half the subdomains (including www) and the correct IP for the other half (inlcuding the domain itself)

It was to my understanding that DNS updates occurred instantly and that it takes up to 1 hour for the ISP to update its caches

so why am i still getting the old IP 2 days later

any suggestions?
Support Requests / sql outage
May 18, 2009, 11:32:30 AM
Seems like the SQL server is down... i cannot access my webmail or SQL Driven parts my site.... the http server is up, FTP is up, PLESK is up, (i use to log in...

EDIT: nevermind.... it came back after a few minutes
In my attempts to login to plesk ( today, the page load either completely stalls out or i get this message

QuoteERROR: PleskFatalException
Unable to connect to database: mysql_connect() [<a href='function.mysql-connect'>function.mysql-connect</a>]: Too many connections

0: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/common_func.php3:154
   psaerror(string 'Unable to connect to database: mysql_connect() [<a href='function.mysql-connect'>function.mysql-connect</a>]: Too many connections')
1: /usr/local/psa/admin/auto_prepend/auth.php3:87

Anyone else getting this??? Hopefully its not a DDOS attack =(


Second Question:  What are our bandwidth limits again?? i don't see this information on any recent threads here.  My site jumped in transfer last month (i'd don't know why), and i just want to make sure i'm not potentially breaking any rules.
Support Requests / i can't seem to get PHP to send email
November 26, 2007, 06:32:31 AM
between the following software

vBulletin (message forums)
phpBB (Message Forums)
Formmail (form mailing software)
and Wikka Wakka Wiki (Wiki software)

i cannot get any of them to send out an email (for example the message forums sending an email to verify activation)

anyone know what i need to do to make this work...
my three year ".tk" domain registration is coming to an end this January, so ive registered a ".org" domain.

My account was migrated to the plesk server after the data-center fire a couple years back, how do i add the ".org" domain name?? ... and in January how will i delete the ".tk" domain name... 

I'm going from to ... but i want to keep active until january giving people time to migrate over to the new name.
