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Messages - brainiac744

Support Requests / Re: Server too slow
February 12, 2007, 06:58:11 PM
Well, I thought I'd try to be "helpful" and chime in to say that mysql seems to be sluggish, and barely responding right now. Other pages seem to be working fine. Both my site and this forum are affected.
Support Requests / Re: Server too slow
February 12, 2007, 02:34:36 PM
I am helping by defining some point as the end point of the problem. That way it's easier to look back over the logs between two certain time periods, not from one time period on.
Support Requests / Re: Server too slow
February 12, 2007, 11:52:24 AM
I'm not having any problem loading pages (granted this was posted ~2 hours ago).
I'm starting to run out of ideas from my limited pool of mod_rewrite knowledge. Try adding this to the BEGINNING (right after RewriteEngine on) of the domain2 folder:

RewriteCond    %{REQUEST_FILENAME}  -d
RewriteRule    ^(.+[^/])$           $1/  [R]

(clear your cache and refresh to see if that works)

What it SHOULD do is rewrite the directory to have a trailing /, which seems to make the redirect work right for me anyway.
Alright, try changing the htaccess file in the second domain's folder to this (I haven't actually tested it, so it might trigger a 500 server error):

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$
RewriteRule ^(wholives/)?(.*)$$2 [L,R=permanent]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
RewriteRule ^(wholives/)?(.*)$$2 [L,R=permanent]

(the two new lines check to see if the domain name is and if the directory you are in is "wholives" if so, it SHOULD rewrite it, like I said, haven't tested though)
No, it's an option you turn on in your account.
Then login
Then hit "Set Scripting Options"
Look under "General Settings" and see if "MultiViews" is set to disabled. If it isn't set it to disabled and try again.

If it's already set to disabled post back here.

Post your entire htaccess file, the most common problem is that it contains an "Options" directive, because they're not allowed.
how interesting...if I end the link with a / or a /index.php then it doesn't change the directory. If I DON'T end it with a /, it DOES change the directory. Do you have multiviews on by chance? If so turn that off and try it again, if not I'll look more into that htaccess file.
Are you sure? I just visited and clicked the forum link and it didn't add anything odd in the path for me...
Alright, try this:

Change the first (root) file to:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ wholives/$1 [L]

And in the domain2 folder change the htaccess file to:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$
RewriteRule ^(wholives/)?(.*)$$2 [L,R=permanent]

That's (similar) to how I have mine set up and I don't suffer from the directory after the domain problem that you seem to be having. Let me know if that doesn't work and I'll see if I can find another solution.
just in the root folder, and one in the /wholives folder should be sufficient. If you already have one in both post the contents of those files here. If you don't, post the contents of the one that you do have here. (the mod_rewrite parts anyway)
Yes, this is just about universally the case with includes on the server side. (which was what was causing my previous confusion with your topic also)
Read my post in your other topic.

(in summary)
use /fpgs/fpgshttpd/doctoreast/wholives/includes/
With the php includes you'll have to use a relative path, or the absolute path to your directory, which is the one I posted above, because it is aware of the actual directory structure on the server, unlike a web browser.

Just to reiterate, this is that path:
It's talking about asp. Unfortunately that's a windows server type thing, so it won't work here.

Since your url is or / should resolve properly. Do you have a link to your site that I could look at because I'm having trouble understanding what your problem is...
No, /fpgs/fpgshttpd/YOURUSERNAME/ IS the absolute path to your account
(if you don't believe me)

What you want isn't possible on this (or any shared hosting plan that I know of, unless you're hosting yourself), if I'm understanding you correctly. What you're saying is that you want / to refer to YOUR directory and NOT the actual root directory of the server, right?

OR (just thought of this now)
Are you talking about actual links on your site? If so that's something entirely different and I apologize