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Server Updates (UPDATED 17 AUG 2017)

Started by admin, August 08, 2015, 03:16:03 PM

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28 Oct 2017
Kernel updates on AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU, EU2, LA2, NS1, NS2, NYC, NYC01, WEST
Other updates on various servers
No updates on WEST1 due to the OS being out of support (5.x)
No updates on LAX2 (Plesk), due to the system not operating

17 Aug 2017
Kernel updates on 7.x cPanel machines - EU2
Bind updates on NS1, NS2

8 Aug 2017
Kernel updates on -- EU2

7 Aug 2017
Kernel updates on -- EU

13 July 2017
Kernel updates on 6.x machines (new vuln) AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, LA2, NYC, WEST
Other updates on 6.x/7.x machines as required

4 July 2017
Kernel updates on all 7.x machines EU2, NS1, NS2, NYC01 and OpenVZ container EU
Minor updates on other machines (sudo)

21 June 2017
Kernel updates on AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU2, LA2, NS1, NS2, NYC, NYC01

24 May 2017
Kernel updates on (7.x CL) EU2

8 May 2017
Kernel and Bind updates on EU2, LA2, NYC cPanel servers

3 May 2017
Kernel, OpenSSH updates on 7.x servers NS1, NS2, NYC01
Bind updates on AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU, EU2, LA2, LAX2, NS1, NS2, NYC, NYC01, WEST
No updates on WEST1

12 Apr 2017
More kernel updates on most servers (6.x) AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NYC, WEST
No updates for 7.x machines -- EU2, NS1, NS2, NYC01
Updates no longer available for EOL machines: WEST1

8 Apr 2017
Corrected kernel packages installed on LA2 bringing it up to the latest release

6 Apr 2017
Kernel update on AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NYC, NYC01, WEST
Release version also updated on above servers (6.9)
LA2 had issues during the update so it was reverted to a previous kernel -- the update is partially complete so we will need to undo it

4 Apr 2017
Kernel update on EU2
Forced cPanel reinstall on EU2, LA2, NYC due to issues with the panel after the latest update

30 Mar 2017
Kernel updates on EU2, LA2, NYC cPanel servers
Minor updates on NS1, NS2

21 Mar 2017
Fail2Ban, Tomcat updates on Plesk servers EAST, EU, LAX2, WEST

10 Mar 2017
Another updated kernel on EU2, NS1, NS2, NYC01 (CentOS/CL 7.x machines)
Updated kernel on LA2, NYC (6.x) CVE-2017-2036

7 Mar 2017
Updated kernel on EU2, NS1, NS2, NYC01  (7.x machines)

24 Feb 2017
Updated kernel on AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU, EU2, LA2, LAX2, NS1, NS2, NYC, NYC01, WEST, WEST1
Reloaded licenses on all cPanel servers (they were corrupted after the kernel updates)

3 Feb 2017
Updated cPanel to 62 on all servers
MySQL and other minor updates on all Plesk servers

20 Jan 2017
Fixed automatic start of bind on NS1 -- it was previously not set to start automatically thus when the server was restarted name resolution would stop working on that node.
Kernel (7.x), Release (7.x), bind, and other updates on AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU, EU2, LA2, LAX2, NS1, NS2, NYC, NYC01, WEST, WEST1

16 Jan 2017
Kernel updates on all CentOS 6.x machines
Apache updates on all CentOS 6.x/Apache 2.2 machines cPanel and Plesk
Java and other updates on some machines
**Please check your site for injected files on all Plesk servers (since those are all using Apache 2.2).  These updates should prevent future files but if they were already injected they will need to be removed.

28 Dec 2016
Minor updates on AWARDS1, EAST, EU, LAX2, NYC01, WEST, WEST1
Updates already applied on CP1, CP2, EU2, LA2, NS1, NS2, NYC

16 Dec 2016
Added Installatron to EU2 server to make it match NYC and LA2 offerings
Minor updates on AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU, EU2, LA2, LAX2, NS1, NS2, NYC, NYC01, WEST, WEST1
CentOS Release updates on NYC01, NS1, NS2 (CentOS 7.x) machines. (7.3.1611)
CL7 updates on EU2
Easy Apache updated on NYC to reflect new MySQL version for Native PHP 5.6.29 and MySQL 5.6.33
Easy Apache updated on LA2 -- updated native PHP to 5.6.29

11 Dec 2016
Pushed updates to the NYC01 test server at 100 William
Added PHP 7.1 and IonCube loader to PHP 7.0 on NYC, LA2.  These were already available on EU2.
Updated our WHMCS installation to use PHP 7.0 instead of 5.6, Please report any problems to us.

10 Dec 2016
Fixed issue with SWAP partition on NYC

9 Dec 2016
TZData and other binaries updated on AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU, EU2, LA2, LAX2, NS1, NS2, NYC, WEST, WEST1
MySQL upgraded to 5.6 on NYC (to match other cPanel servers)

6 Dec 2016
Updated Alt-PHP and other binaries on EU2, LA2, NYC

24 Nov 2016
Tweak to cPanel servers to include sender headers (as an attempt to stop delivery into the spam folder for some users)

23 Nov 2016
Replaced NS1 with another machine located in NJ due to a hardware failure in Ohio
(This is part of our main NS cluster that serves and master zones.)

20 Nov 2016
Kernel updates on AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU, EU2, LA2, LAX2, NS2, NYC, WEST, WEST1
Updated Apache to 2.4 and system PHP to 5.6.28 on NYC

6 Nov 2016
Updated bind on EAST, EU, LAX2, WEST, WEST1

1 Nov 2016
Enabled GZIP compression for all sites on EU2, LA2, NYC cPanel servers.

31 Oct 2016
Kernel updates on AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU, EU2, LA2, LAX2, NS2, NYC, WEST, WEST1
(Dirty COW Patch v2 and other updates related to this)

23 Oct 2016
Kernel update on EU2

22 Oct 2016
Bind, Kernel, Tomcat updates on AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NS2, NYC, WEST, WEST1
New test server online and updated: EU2

5 Oct 2016
Bind, OpenSSL, and other updates on AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NS2, NYC, WEST, WEST1

29 Aug 2016
Kernel, Java, Python, and other updates on AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NS2, NYC, WEST

14 Aug 2016
Minor updates on AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NS2, NYC, WEST, WEST1
PHP Security updates on system version of PHP on all Plesk servers
Kernel updates on NS2 (CentOS 7)

22 Jul 2016
Kernel updates on LA2 and NYC cPanel/CloudLinux servers
Updated to latest Apache (2.2.31 plus patches on NYC, 2.4.23 on LA2)

18 Jul 2016
Kernel updates on AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NS2, NYC, WEST, WEST1
Additional updates on Plesk servers

6 Jun 2016
Update CentOS Release to 6.8, Kernel, Binaries on AWARDS1, EAST, EU, WEST
Update Kernel on CP1, CP2, LA2, NYC, WEST1
Update binaries on NS2 (CentOS 7)

17 May 2016
Update Java on EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NYC, WEST
Update ImageMagick on LAX2
Updated kernel and other packages on NS2 (CentOS 7)
No other updates since last check on other servers

16 May 2016
Updated to cPanel 56.0.16 on LA2, NYC

6 May 2016
Kernel updates on AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NYC, WEST (CentOS 6)
No updates on NS2 (CentOS 7) or WEST1 (CentOS 5) was available
cPanel updated from 56.0.13 to 56.0.14 on LA2 and NYC
Native PHP updated to latest 5.5 branch on LA2 (5.5.35)

29 Apr 2016
Minor updates on AWARDS1, CP1, CP2, EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NS2, NYC, WEST, WEST1
Updated options available on NYC to match LA2 offering (Python Selector, Ruby Selector)
Setup NYC on the DNS Cluster, so new customers will use cp1/cp2 nameservers on NYC as they will for LA2
Added cPanel installation packages (for WordPress, etc) to LA2 to match what is available on NYC
(The cPanel packages are not yet selectable in any plan)
Installatron (application installer with more choices and versions) has been installed and licensed on LA2

18 Apr 2016
Suspended a user that was causing problems with the WEST server

17 Apr 2016
Finalized some work on the WHMCS site that will be handling billing for all cPanel clients as we migrate them to our new systems.

15 Apr 2016
apache, kernel, mysql, tomcat and other updates on AWARDS1, EAST, EU, LA2, NS2, NYC, WEST, WEST1
(LAX2 skipped right now due to other performance issues)
Rebooted all servers due to kernel updates being applied
Installed CP1 and CP2 to handle DNS for LA2 (and NYC in the future) along with additional cPanel servers we deploy

21 Mar 2016
Updated openssh on all CentOS 6.x servers - AWARDS1, EAST, EU, LA2, NYC, WEST
Updated PHP versions and a few other binaries on NYC and LA2 (cPanel/CloudLinux updates).
Rebooted all servers where updates were installed

19 Mar 2016
tzdata update on AWARDS1, EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NS2, NYC, WEST, WEST1
(LA2 uses the SLC mirror which didn't have the TZupdate yet, switched to another mirror in order to install the update)

16 Mar 2016
bind, openssl and other binaries on AWARDS1, EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NS2, NYC, WEST, WEST1
Rebooted all servers due to openssh/openssl updates, some servers had samba and postgres updates as well

1 Mar 2016
openssl update on AWARDS1, EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NYC, WEST
Rebooted AWARDS1, EAST, EU, LAX2, WEST due to previous GLIBC update (others were already rebooted).

27 Feb 2016
glibc updates on AWARDS1, EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NS2, NYC, WEST
Kernel, LVE updates on LA2, NYC
Kernel, pyton, cyrus (CentOS 7.x) update on NS2
Compiled PHP 5.5.32 and replaced 5.5.31 on EAST, EU
Complied PHP 5.6.18 and replaced 5.6.17 on EAST, EU

12 Feb 2016
Kernel, Apache, and other updates on AWARDS1, EAST, EU, WEST, LAX2
tzdata on NS2, WEST1
Auto updates on LA2, NYC
Filesystem corruption on LAX2 has been repaired

2 Feb 2016
Reset PHP 5.4.45 on EAST due to a problem with some accounts

30 Jan 2016
Update apache from 2.4.12 to 2.4.18 on LA2
Upgrade MySQL from 5.5.45 to 5.6.26 on LA2 as a test for upgrades of other servers
Backed Up MySQL content on NYC to prep for possible MySQL version upgrade
Set Native PHP version to 5.5.31 on LA2
Added Python and Ruby selectors to LA2 and enabled those options to show up in cPanel as a test
[feature lists, package definitions and other items need synced between the two servers]

27 Jan 2016
Set maldet to automatically quarantine files again on EAST and EU to prevent another problem with injected wp files causing long term problems.
bind, java, ntp, ntpdate updates on AWARDS1, EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NS2, NYC, WEST, WEST1
kernel update on NS2 (CentOS 7)

26 Jan 2016
cPanel Updated to release 54 on LA2, NYC
A couple client domains on EU were disabled due to excessive disk I/O use.
Additional WP sites on EAST were also disabled due to the same problem (injected code in wp-load.php)

23 Jan 2016
Added PHP 7.0.2 on LA2, NYC
Doubled the I/O limit for all packages on LA2, NYC  -- Bronze 2048KB/sec, Silver 4096KB/sec, Gold 6144KB/sec, Titanium 8192KB/sec
Default (not linked to package) definition changed to 2048KB/sec. on LA2, NYC

20 Jan 2016
Updated Kernel, Apache, Dovecot, libcurl on WEST1
Timezone corrected on LA2 server (was EST/EDT, changed to PST/PDT), h/w clock on host note set incorrectly.
OpenSSH update on NS2 (CentOS 7.x)

19 Jan 2016
Updated to PHP 5.5.31 on NYC, LA2
Updated to PHP 5.6.17 on NYC, LA2

18 Jan 2016
Timezone corrected on NYC server (was PST/PDT, changed to EST/EDT), must have reverted in an update.
Updated to PHP 5.5.31 on LAX2
Updated to PHP 5.6.17 on LAX2

15 Jan 2016
Compiled PHP 5.4.45 and replaced 5.4.43 on EAST, EU
Compiled PHP 5.5.31 and replaced 5.5.27 on EAST, EU
Updated ioncube loaders to 5.0.19 from 4.6.1 on EAST, EU (when using newer PHP versions only)
Compiled PHP 5.6.17 on EAST, EU

10 Jan 2016
nss, openssl, samba updates on AWARDS1, EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NS2, NYC, WEST
Kernel update on NS2  (CentOS 7)
No updates on WEST1

31 Dec 2015
Kernel, Bind, OpenSSL, Apache, and other updates on EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NS2, NYC, WEST, WEST1

28 Nov 2015
Kernel, Perl, Postfix updates on EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NYC, WEST, WEST1

10 Oct 2015
Minor updates on EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NYC, WEST, WEST1

4 Oct 2015
OpenLDAP update on EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NYC, WEST, WEST1

27 Sep 2015
Updated glibc, kernel, and other  system binaries on EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NYC, WEST

20 Sep 2015
Updated NYC to mitigate the weak DH (logjam) vulnerabilities.   This improves SSL sites to "A" grade on
Updated Apache to 2.2.31 (considering upgrade to the 2.4.x branch at some point) on NYC
Updated native PHP to 5.4.45 on NYC

17 Sep 2015
Updated all Plesk servers to ensure sites are not created with POODLE and WEAK DH (logjam) vulnerabilities for SSL sites.
EAST, EU, LAX2, WEST now receive A- or A as a grade when testing.  (LAX2 and WEST receive the A due to differences in configuration.)

10 Sep 2015
Kernel, Bind, and other updates on EAST, EU, LA2, LAX2, NYC, WEST
Bind update on WEST1
PHP Updates on LA2, LAX2, NYC (auto)
A reboot on all servers was performed due to recent Kernel updates.

8 Aug 2015
Upgraded to CentOS Release 6.7 on EAST, EU, WEST
Updated bind on WEST1
*LAX2 cannot be updated to 6.7 due to dependency issues with some of the Plesk packages (it is running a newer version)
NYC and LA2 are using CloudLinux

For previous updates, please see