Hi there,
I was attempting to deploy Wordpress on my site, which seemed like it should be a breeze. I created the database from my management interface, no problem. I entered the database name, username and proper credentials, leaving "define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');" untouched, as per the instructions. I uploaded everything to my site via FTP, load the install.php page, and...
I've tried a number of different permutations in the configuration, but I'm pretty certain that the DB_HOST is indeed localhost, and the username and password are indeed correct... I'm not sure what that leaves as being the problem. Is there a permissions issue in here somewhere?
I was attempting to deploy Wordpress on my site, which seemed like it should be a breeze. I created the database from my management interface, no problem. I entered the database name, username and proper credentials, leaving "define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');" untouched, as per the instructions. I uploaded everything to my site via FTP, load the install.php page, and...
QuoteError establishing a database connection
This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can't contact the database server at localhost. This could mean your host's database server is down.
I've tried a number of different permutations in the configuration, but I'm pretty certain that the DB_HOST is indeed localhost, and the username and password are indeed correct... I'm not sure what that leaves as being the problem. Is there a permissions issue in here somewhere?