i am trying to remake my website after long time.
when i tried to put my test page.
and typed my website address.. www.freepgs.com/kool-infotech also www.kool-infotech.tk it does not show my latest main page..
then i tried to view it by http://www.freepgs.com/index.html but same result it show my old index page....
then i changed my index.html to index.php and tried to view it.. then also i can't view it same old index page is comming up..
but when i typed www.freepgs.com/kool-infotech/index.php it is working...
can anyone help plz....

i am trying to remake my website after long time.
when i tried to put my test page.
and typed my website address.. www.freepgs.com/kool-infotech also www.kool-infotech.tk it does not show my latest main page..
then i tried to view it by http://www.freepgs.com/index.html but same result it show my old index page....
then i changed my index.html to index.php and tried to view it.. then also i can't view it same old index page is comming up..
but when i typed www.freepgs.com/kool-infotech/index.php it is working...
can anyone help plz....
