Okay, with the massive amount of questions we've been getting on this, I figured it might as well be useful to make a topic about this.
Your files won't delete via FTP if they were created via PHP. Your files also won't delete via PHP if they were created via FTP. To delete php files, you're best bet is to use the function below.
Taking code from the php manual (http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.rmdir.php#78687)
Call this function on any sub-folder on your account, and anything left once this function is done should be able to be deleted via ftp.
If you still have problems after this, feel free to use the contact form and we'll help from there.
Your files won't delete via FTP if they were created via PHP. Your files also won't delete via PHP if they were created via FTP. To delete php files, you're best bet is to use the function below.
Taking code from the php manual (http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.rmdir.php#78687)
Code Select
function RecursiveFolderDelete ( $folderPath ){
if ( is_dir ( $folderPath ) ){
foreach ( scandir ( $folderPath ) as $value ){
if ( $value != "." && $value != ".." ){
$value = $folderPath . "/" . $value;
if ( is_dir ( $value ) ){
RecursiveFolderDelete ( $value );
}elseif ( is_file ( $value ) ){
@unlink ( $value );
return rmdir ( $folderPath );
return FALSE;
Call this function on any sub-folder on your account, and anything left once this function is done should be able to be deleted via ftp.
If you still have problems after this, feel free to use the contact form and we'll help from there.