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Messages - mysticw2002

Support Requests / Re: Forum hacked?!
April 03, 2006, 07:13:28 AM
*nods to Webzone*  Sorry for leaving out the other sites, just using the one in my most recent experience for reference.  People like this make me question what little faith I had left in humanity.
Support Requests / Re: Forum hacked?!
April 03, 2006, 07:08:14 AM
I have to wonder just how many sites got hit by this script kiddy, and if there's any way to track him/her down.  It takes a sad, sad individual to go after harmless forums.  I'd like to tear the person responsible a new one...  but that's just my fists talking.  Wonder how long it'll take the authorities to track them down, if they can...
Support Requests / Forum hacked?!
April 03, 2006, 04:54:38 AM

Judging by the tagline given, this site was recently hacked.  I'm not the admin there, but I am a member, and I am hoping something can be done about this, and soon.

Here's the tagline, if it helps.  'Fatal Error 2006 - bY: owz'

Please respond ASAP.