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Messages - Ben

Support Requests / Re: net2ftp
June 30, 2007, 03:53:54 AM
Support Requests / Re: quick question
June 11, 2007, 01:16:30 AM
This would be set up by htaccess redirects. There's probably a tutorial somewhere on the forum.
Support Requests / Re: No new signups
June 08, 2007, 03:14:41 AM
As far as I can tell, no payments are being accepted, because almost all of them are frauds and charged back, causing fees.

I may be wrong, but your safest bet it so not pay until you're specifically told you can by the admin.
Support Requests / Re: unknown domain error
May 24, 2007, 12:04:00 PM
If you're talking about the subdomain, it works fine.
If you're talking about the subdomain, it no longer works because you're account now has the other subdomain.
Support Requests / Re: Plz Change My URL
May 24, 2007, 02:25:27 AM
I'm pretty sure this was sent as a contact request as well, however, ALL requests like this from your account should be sent from there.

This topic is closed.
May 8th was when bandwidth logging was re-enabled globally, which would by why your bandwidth started rasing. However, I have seen the same ip-address downloading the same file off your site repeatedly. (This has been 8 times I've seen it in about 5 minutes).

The file request is for "/pblog/attachment/Mon_0612/1_3_6810af4a9d6d6a2.mp3", and the IP address will be emailed to you. You can check on this yourself.
Support Requests / Re: Can't delete files
May 12, 2007, 12:58:59 AM
Quote from another post:

The "Owner" column in net2ftp basically says the owner of the file. Any file marked "501" is a user's file. Almost all of these files can be edited (the main exception being .ftpquota). Any file marked "48" is a PHP created file, and you'd have to use php to change it.
That really depends. Spam emails are limited to 0 per accont.

But the maximum.. it depends on your script. If you're trying to send 1 million emails at once, then you'll cause the server problems. But if it tries to send it in batches of 15 or so, then it shouldn't cause the server problems.

Mainly, you just want to avoid spam.

(Note: admin may have a specific limit on how many you may send, but I don't know of any limit like that. Just because I don't give a specific number, doesn't mean there isn't one.)
Support Requests / Re: Cannot connect to Database
May 10, 2007, 03:47:10 PM
Also, you can check on services at:

Support Requests / Re: MediaWiki MySQL problem
May 09, 2007, 01:34:28 AM
All of those commands are limited to superusers on MySQL.

To create a database, in the options panel, click "Manage Databases", then "Create New Database". You then set the username, password, and database. The privleges are all given to that user, for that database.

If you need a 2nd user/pass combo or differant permissions on your user account, then you need to submit a contact form request for those changes.
The "Owner" column in net2ftp basically says the owner of the file. Any file marked "501" is a user's file. Almost all of these files can be edited (the main exception being .ftpquota). Any file marked "48" is a PHP created file, and you'd have to use php to change it.

There are two options here: chmod it using the PHP chmod() function, or request through the contact form to have the file chown'd to your account. I don't think the PHP chown() function works on this server, however, feel free to try it.
Support Requests / Re: is my mail function enabled?
April 28, 2007, 10:57:12 PM
The mail function works fine on my account, it took less than 1 minute for the mail to be sent.

Make sure there are no hidden php errors in your script. Otherwise, it should still work.
Support Requests / Re: is my mail function enabled?
April 28, 2007, 05:02:14 PM
Assuming your account is "jonano", then no, mail is not enabled.

You must request it be re-enabled by the contact form.
FreePgs does not allow php_value to be added to .htaccess files.

Please, delete this line from your .htaccess file, and change the setting in your options panel instead.

Login, click "Set Scripting Options", and then change the "Register Globals" setting to "disabled" (Register Globals is the 3rd setting in the right column)

That should fix your problem.
Support Requests / Re: php mail
February 23, 2007, 12:24:52 AM
The only thing I know in this case was that your account is marked as mail function disabled for spam, and not to re-enable mail.

If this is just a newsletter, then I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I don't know why you weren't notified. However, the note on your account was put on by admin, and unless I hear otherwise from him, I cannot re-enable mail.

Once again, I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused by this.
