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Messages - sixthcrusifix

Support Requests / Re: CSS
May 11, 2006, 03:20:04 AM
Quote from: Guide on May 10, 2006, 06:31:16 PM
I have a feeling there's something of a confusion here...
I'm talking about the program Notepad++, not the simple notepad of microsoft. Notepad++ does have syntaxic coloration in multiple languages, find/replace facilities, and all the necessary stuff which makes hand-made coding easy...
I don't know about Crimson Editor though ; I'll have a look.

ooh, I've neve rheard of Notepad++. I'll have to look that up too. I use crimson editor when I need to check a php file fast because dreamweaver is a big progam that takes a while to load and uses up about 200 MB of RAM while it's running.
Support Requests / Re: CSS
May 10, 2006, 05:29:46 PM
Quote from: Guide on May 10, 2006, 10:56:10 AM
QuoteSo to anybody who can afford dreamweaver and codes in notepad just because, I say to you, you're just being silly.

I could afford Dreamweaver, but I really don't think the advantages are worth the expense. I've been using Notepad++ since I began coding, and with a well-organized code you can change your layout quickly enough, I think.
A friend of mine does use Dreamweaver, and I saw him work on a website... And I wasn't really impressed. So I decided that paying for not being silly wasn't worth the price ;)

Well It's not for everyone just because programs usually aren't. There are still people who maybe would just do better with something simple and short. However dreamweaver really does have a lot of wonderful features. Especialy when you're coding in PHP. The Color Coding alone is almost worth it loll, but if you don't wanna pay for dreamweaver I suggest Crimson Editor, a WONDFERFUL Solution to notepad. It's way better than notepad, it has a few of the coller features of DreamWeaver (Color coding, different language presets, error checking etc.) AND It's FREE!

The FIND/REPLACE Feature in DreamWeaver is unmatched though, it's SO convenient - and the find feature in notepad is SO incnvenient, just bugs teh hell outta me.

Anyway here's what I reccomend:

Hand Coding: Crimson Editor.
Hand Coding + Media Developement and advanced CSS: Dreamweaver.
Stupidity or Extreme Intelegence: Notepad.
Support Requests / Re: CSS
May 09, 2006, 04:30:32 AM
Quote from: Evilsprouts on May 05, 2006, 05:37:04 PM
Quote from: geminigeek on May 05, 2006, 05:30:48 PM
ttry this in ur css

#bottom p.footer {
font-size: 10px;

and make sure it is at the bottom most of your css

Fantastic thanks allot  ;D ;D ;D

A LOT, 2 words, one L. Sorry but that's a pet peve of mine.

Why should you never use pt?  I never do but what is the reason not to?
how in the bloody hell do you have 70 MB worth of textual data? That's 70,000,000 characters.

anyway yeah I think PHP MyAdmin is pretty much out, I have no idea how you can restore it, the ony way I've accessed my Databases is via PHP MyAdmin.

You could try uploading it to your site and then running your own script (or you could TRY PHP MyAdmin but it won't work I think it can time out)

Is it just one single file that is 70 MB?
you're problem (in my opinion) is that that picture is ofe a 3 table layour anfd you only have 1 table.

you need to make a left justified table for the firct collumn, a center justified table for teh big middle column and a right justified table for the last column and you need to assign their widths (I'm going to say 20%-60%-20%) and use table rows for the stuff in each table.

I dunno if I explained that right but if you give me a little while I will write it out for you I'm just kinda busy right this second.
Support Requests / Re: CSS
May 04, 2006, 02:19:00 AM
Quote from: Guide on April 27, 2006, 02:50:55 PM
True, if you've got Dreamwaver you can change easily anything from a table layout.
But then, if you use Dreamwaver, you don't truly have to bother yourselve with such considerations. For my part, I prefer the good old Notepad++ ;)

As for the foreach loop, it was just an example of one of the multiple possibilities to inject texts loaded through PHP into an (X)HTML file... There are hundredth of possibilities, depending on how is your system designed.
In my website, I've got a sort of CMS system in the background wherein pages and texts can be added and/or modified, which means everything must be loaded from MySQL when the page is loaded. I load everything into tables, and I make my output with a foreach loop...

OH I see, well I just like while better because I dunno foreach just bugs me, not in a technical way I just hate writing foreach LMAO I'm crazy, anyway I don't understand why everyone critizises dreamwearver and praises notepad.

I do write out code rather than use the WYSIWYG editor (Because teh WYSIWYG editor SUCKS) But it's still a lot easier to hand code things in dreamweaver, it's easier to search for things and to fix mistakes and to make sure stuff is compatibale, plus you can upload via FTO right after your done and not switch programs. So to anybody who can afford dreamweaver and codes in notepad just because, I say to you, you're just being silly.

Anyway, I think that what I've been saying over and over (and eventually everyone will get it and be like "othe other would have worked but really as long as your website displays properly in the 3 major Browsers (Firefox, IE and Netscape[and maybe safari too]) then it doesn't matter what you used underneath.

(But as far as people having browser errors and the rare few people with OLD ass browsers CSS degenerates poorly).
Support Requests / Re: CSS
April 25, 2006, 06:03:05 PM
QuoteThere I don't get your argument. If you've got but one page on your website, which I doubt, it'll indeed be easier to put everything through attributes. But if you've got many pages, it's far easier to use classes and id's... You just have to put them from the beginning, even if you don't use them immediately.
Then you'll be able to change all pages from your websites by just changing a few lines in the CSS file...

I did a major rework on my website's design a few months ago. I didn't even touch the XHTML or the PHP part ; I just changed the CSS, and it took me about an afternoon to finish it. When I was working with tables, these kind of rework took me at least three or four time that...

But I'm, saying if you have a poopload of them then you have a poopload of IDs you have to define somewhere faar away from there and that complicates things, besides if you have dreamweaver it's easy to change every single attribute to tables etc. all at once.

Also I dunno why you use the foreach loop but I don't really know what your site does. Either way you still use tables along with CSS.
Support Requests / Re: CSS
April 25, 2006, 10:05:25 AM
I would also like to point out that what the original person wanted is MUCH MUCH MUCH easier to do in tables and very easy to make compatable with different screen resolutions using %s instead of absolute values.

<div align='left'>
<img src='LOGO.gif'>
<table align='left' width='30%'>
<h1>PAGE TITLE</h1>
<strong>Important Stuff</strong>

Blah Blah Blah
Blah Blah Blah

That's pretty basic but it works. There are about 20 different ways to do that exact same thing I can think about though, it's still a lot shorter than all that CSS one of the posters gave and I think it does what the original poster wanted. It actually did not display properly when I tried <div> or just with nothing.

This all reminds me, I need to work on my site again, it's been so long I can hardly remember how to do this stuff.
Support Requests / Re: CSS
April 25, 2006, 12:02:17 AM
Quote from: hypnoticvibe on April 24, 2006, 07:46:38 PM
Quote from: sixthcrusifix on April 24, 2006, 06:27:16 AM
Quote from: hypnoticvibe on April 24, 2006, 12:20:13 AM
Quote from: webzone on April 23, 2006, 11:23:40 PM
This will cause problems with scrolling if the window is too small.
I don't know why someone would have their window that small (or know anyone who browses with their window so small) but I'm sure you've been doing this longer than me so I'm probably not smart to debate.

On a lighter note, the website uses a whole lot of CSS and they have some genius webdesigners.

well good for them. I'm just going by experience and what my Image Manipulation teacher, Ian Tepoot, told me. He's a pretty accomplished Graphic Designer who's been doing this for about 10 years, so I go by what he says usually. 
I play devil's advocate to expose the facts. The, "Well good for them" was unnecessary. I intended no offense and was not attacking you.

I'm not attacking anybody either. It is good for them, good for them, I don't see how that was mean or unnecessary, good for them, I can't say I care one way or the other.

Also to the other guy, you're really nitpicking on tables, and you're REALLY reaching out there on the whole "more code = larger file" thing, the difference is virtually impossible to notice even on modems.

If you're casually creating a website with a normal amount of tables it's much more convenient just to use tables because of the fact that they're not seperated. It's aslo easier to define the table's attributes right then and there as apposed to creating a bunch of ID's when you wanna change one little thing.

I think CSS is great and I use it whenever I see that it is needed however I use it to COMPLEMENT my website, not to buiild it with.

"2) Semantic : tables are for showing data. If you want to "divide" your page into different parts, you should use <div>s, which is what it has been made for."

Yeah that makes sense, I don't think people should go around using tables for every little thing. A common thing I see is people just putting everything in tables and using table rows to devide stuff, here's where I agree with you, because doing that is just silly.

But why does using tables mean you can't use semantic tags? I don't get the debate we're having.

Tables are for ORGANIZING data, and quite frankly a table is a lot easier to handle when you're trying to display results etc. And especially generating a table filled with dynamic content is very easy in PHP using loops where as I can't imagine how you would use CSS for that. Tables are a perfectly valid part of design that have their place just as CSS does and I think you're a fool if you choose to abandon either of them.

You can't just say "don't use tables, use CSS", They're not really even comperable objects, it's like saying "Don't take Tylenol, take Ibuprofin" when the truth is that the two drugs are very different and you should use the one that you need when you need it.

Support Requests / Re: CSS
April 24, 2006, 06:27:16 AM
Quote from: hypnoticvibe on April 24, 2006, 12:20:13 AM
Quote from: webzone on April 23, 2006, 11:23:40 PM
This will cause problems with scrolling if the window is too small.
I don't know why someone would have their window that small (or know anyone who browses with their window so small) but I'm sure you've been doing this longer than me so I'm probably not smart to debate.

On a lighter note, the website uses a whole lot of CSS and they have some genius webdesigners.

well good for them. I'm just going by experience and what my Image Manipulation teacher, Ian Tepoot, told me. He's a pretty accomplished Graphic Designer who's been doing this for about 10 years, so I go by what he says usually. 
Support Requests / Re: CSS
April 23, 2006, 11:43:22 PM
CSS is a bad idea. It's okay for casual use but CSS degrades terribly and tables are a wonderful thing that have been a part of HTML for a long time.

I would not suggestr a redesign in this direction.
Support Requests / Re: database deletation
April 21, 2006, 11:21:29 AM
Quote from: Dans34 on April 21, 2006, 07:30:16 AM
thats the problem , i dont

do you know why a table just went missing ?

best I can say is, crap happens. you must have a basic back up didn't you install forum software?
Support Requests / Re: PHP mail() problems
April 07, 2006, 11:19:32 AM
I have a suggestion:
Instead of:

mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);


do this:

if( mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers) ){





That way you will know when there's a problem with the mail function, instead of just always getting  a generic success message, you'll get an error message for failure and a success message for success :D
Why don't you just put it in a textarea? Then you even have a scrolly box.

<textarea cols='50' rows='6'>

cols = colums, how wide it is (usualy a LOT more than rows)
Rows = rows, how tall it is.
Support Requests / Re: phpsave?
March 22, 2006, 08:57:46 AM
I don't quite understand teh question, there are no "PHP Forms". Can you explain explcitly what you want to do?