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Messages - FaeLLe

Bless you Mr. admin ! It is working now...

Thank you loads and hope you enjoy your Easter !!!!

Appreciate your time very much !
Quote from: admin on April 15, 2006, 04:19:09 AM
Your user directory is already 755 (the default).

If you want all of your files chmod'd to 755 (or 775 as required to allow write access to them), please let me know and we can do this for you.

Thank you, Admin

Please do try make the user director and all files 775 to see if it resolve the problem.

Will it make any security compromises if you just make them 777 ?
Quote from: admin on April 15, 2006, 04:15:36 AM
Be sure you are chmoding the FOLDERS you need to script to write into, not just the files that are already in the folder.

The folder should be chmod'd to 775 or better.

Thank you, Admin

But I want to run the blog in my root folder how do I make my whole user directory chmod 755 ?

Can you do that for me from shell ? My FreePGS username is:- vikrammohan


According to post follow up help from which asked me to refer to the manual page at the error is not because of path but only permissions :s

They asked me to ask if,

QuoteAlso, you should ask your web host if your webserver runs as your user or as a generic webserver user. If it's running as a generic ID, then you would need to have the permissions more open to allow Movable Type to create files and directories.

However I know it doesnt create files as my webuser id and uses a generic one. But chmoding the files to 777 should have let it happen which is wierd.

If i pm you my MT admin u/p you will see what I mean....
Also tried chmoding the mt.cgi file to 775 and 777 both cases it says cannot create directory :s
Well basically the blogging system is having troubles creating a directory wondering if it is some kind of permission error.

It asks for a Site Root to publish in and expects prefferably a absolute path or relative path.

For absolute path it detected:- /fpgs/fpgshttpd/vikrammohan
and I also tried relative path:- /

But it gives the error,

Error: Movable Type was not able to create a directory for publishing your weblog. If you create this directory yourself, assign sufficient permissions that allow Movable Type to create files within it.

At the moment I chmoded the installation to 755 so perl and cgi scripts can execute correct. What could be the reason it is not able to create directories ?


- FaeLLe
Support Requests / Re: Email and Domain names, HOW?
February 08, 2006, 02:42:35 AM
Another easy option is to use the Microsoft Live service whereby you can point your MX records to their servers and create unlimited email addresses through their interface.

And then you can sign in to hotmail using your email address and access the account through the webmail service.

Easy peasy option :D
Support Requests / Hosting Domain on FreePGS or Plesk ?
January 28, 2006, 05:05:35 PM

I was wondering how does the domain hosting system work now.

Do we get charged $10 per year only if we host a domain on Plesk and free domain hosting if we do it on the FreePGS server ?

Thanks just wanted to clarify,

- FaeLLe
Support Requests / Re: Cron jobs
January 25, 2006, 01:45:36 PM
Sorry for the re-post I noticed an older thread having this info.


- FaeLLe
Support Requests / Cron jobs
January 25, 2006, 01:44:33 PM

I was wondering if a request is made can one of the admins start a cron job running every few days.


- FaeLLe
Support Requests / Re: How can I register a plan?
January 07, 2006, 10:26:12 PM and click the Plans link
Support Requests / Re: PHP SOAP Extensions
November 17, 2005, 12:12:42 AM
Wow amazing your service is great :p
Support Requests / PHP SOAP Extensions
November 16, 2005, 12:04:41 PM

Can some admin confirm that PHP SOAP extensions exist on the web server.

If they are not installed would it be possible to just install the SOAP extensions so that my online store can intergrate with our back end servers.


- FaeLLe