
LVCS.NET offers low cost domain registration services.

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Messages - Coop

Support Requests / Lost on Mail Exchange (MX)
May 01, 2006, 04:33:21 PM
So I've applied for and have been accepted to beta Google's gmail for domains.  It works just like the gmail we all know and love, except I can make as many email addresses as I need,, my domain.  However, I was told I need to update Mail Exchange (MX) addresses to point towards google's mail servers (or something along those lines).  I spent an hour over at (where I purchased my domain) and they told me I had to do this through my web host, not my domain host.  So after spending another half hour looking for anything resembling the letters M and X in my account options, I am stumped and have resorted to the support forums.

Any suggestions on what I need to do?


- Coop