My page don't found with and whats wrong?!?
I've the same problem with my page (and )
If you read the error page you'll find the answer:
If you are the owner of this website, please read below:
FreePgs URLs are no longer accessible
Please associate a domain to your account to access your files.
If you do not have a domain name, please use the Contact Form (
and a subdomain name will be provided to you.
Be sure to login before sending the message.
I used the contact form and i hope the problem is solved ASAP because i'm having a lot of troubles because of this...
Yes, i'm having the same problem.
All my friends of FREEPGS also have the same problem. I think FREEPGS servers have deleted all their users, lets hope they have a back-up. :)
> I think FREEPGS servers have deleted all their users, lets hope they have a back-up.
Users are NOT deleted
If you do not have a domain name, please use the Contact Form
and a subdomain name will be provided to you.
Be sure to login before sending the message.
Send message to admin for a new subdomain!!!
Quote from: possum on June 03, 2006, 09:24:40 AM
> I think FREEPGS servers have deleted all their users, lets hope they have a back-up.
Users are NOT deleted
If you do not have a domain name, please use the Contact Form
and a subdomain name will be provided to you.
Be sure to login before sending the message.
Send message to admin for a new subdomain!!!
Thank you, i have just used the contact form now. ;D
I used contact form to, but how long it takes then I can get answer or my web work again? ???