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Messages - misteraod

It works like a charm.  Thank you :)

Anyhow, do you have any suggestion on Rewrite tutorial website.  I read one from apache it's awesome but hard to undersatand.
Webzone, You rule!

Thx a million!

Another question if I apply thess rules:
1.. RewriteRule ^([^/]+)miku([^/]+)\.html$ doc/int_miku/$1miku$2.html [L]
2.. RewriteRule ^([^/]+)miku\.html$ doc/int_miku/$1miku.html [L]
3.. RewriteRule ^miku([^/]+)\.html$ doc/int_miku/miku$1.html [L]

Do they redundant? as only 1.. could not handle 2.. and 3.. requests - it gave me a 404 page not found.

mydomain.sth/semm-miku.html  --> 404
mydomain.sth/miku-goblet.html --> 404
mydomain.sth/internet-miku-orja.html --> work great  :D

Are there any other better ways to RewriteRule or just like that?

Hi there,

I want my visitor to just enter a direct link let say:
1... mydomain.sth/internet-miku-yoyo.html  or
2... mydomain.sth/semm-miku.html

As I upload my file at
3... mydomain.sth/doc/int_miku/internet-miku-yoyo.html  or
4... mydomain.sth/doc/int_miku/semm-miku.html

I just want the link in 1... point to 3... and 2... point to 4... respectively with rewrite, is it possible?

I try the following code:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /

RewriteRule ^(.+)miku(.+)\.html$ doc/int_miku/$1miku$2.html  [L]

But it gave me only a headache... 500 Internal server error :( What can I do or do I miss something? ???
